ICT and Education for Refugees in Transit
XMLRefugees in transit often have no access to formal education.
Indonesia as one of transit countries has allowed these community
school-age children to join public school. Unfortunately, teenagers
and adults do not have similar consent. As most of them are stranded
for a long time to skip their basic education, there should be a bridge
so that they still can catch up with their secondary or even higher
education level. During their uncertain waiting time, some
international and national organizations and local institutions have
provided them with private classes in specific subjects. The problem
is these classes are unaligned with the lesson grade in host country
formal education institution, which is categorized based on learners’
ages. Moreover, they are placed in separated places (detention centre,
interception, community housings) which cost time and fare to get
these refugees in one education centre. The alternative solution for
handling this situation is by having blended learning, a combination
of online learning platform and face-to-face meeting managed by
teachers both from the host country and refugees. These students
although they are limited by any means, have been familiar with ICT
such as Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Multimedia and Internet. The
online learning platform will muddle through time and distance in
order to support them to take Package A, B, C (National Elementary,
Junior and Senior High School Equivalency) tests as these tests are
admitted at work and further study in host country as well as their
destination countries without age limitation
Detail Information
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Bahasa |
Penerbit | Southeast Asia Language Teaching and Learning (SALTeL) Journal : Medan., 2019 |
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No Panggil | |
Copyright |
Universitas Negeri Medan
Doi |